February 19, 2022 in ClassVI
Class- 6th Sst-civics – ch-8 question answer worksheet C- Answer in one or two sentences Q 1. What does the word livelihood mean ? Ans -all people have needs and wants . To satisfy their needs and wants ,people need a livelihood. Q 2- why are farmers left unemployed for some part of the […]
February 19, 2022 in ClassVI
CLASS-6TH SST-CIVICS- CHAPTERE-7 Question –Answer worksheet:- Mark the sentences as True or False . Correct the sentence that are false . C-1. False:- A mayor is the chief executive officer of the municipal corporation . 2. False :- A municipal commissioner is selected by the state government. 3. True 4. False:- providing a cheap public […]
February 19, 2022 in ClassVI
Class-6th History ch-12 Question answer worksheet D) Answer in one or two sentences. Q.1 What is smritis ? ANS:- Smriti is a part of vedic literature which means remember to memorized Q.2 Name two tamil epics from the sangam age . ANS:- Silappadikarm & Manimekalai Q.3 List the main achievements of Aryabhata. […]
February 19, 2022 in ClassVI
Class-6th Geography-ch-8—- INDIA:CLIMATE A. Choose the correct answer. 1. Mango showers are experienced in : Answer (C) South india 2. Autumn in india occurs : Answer (D) Between october and November 3. Tripura and Mizoram lie on the windward side of the : Answer (C) Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills 4. Two of the […]
February 19, 2022 in ClassVI
Class-6th Geography chapter-9 Question answer worksheet. A. Choose the correct answer. 1. Throne forest are found in the states of: Ans:- Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan 2. Trees that can survive both in saline and fresh water belong to: Ans:- mangrove forests 3. The gir forest of Gujarat are famous for: Ans:- Asiatic lions 4. An […]
February 19, 2022 in ClassVI
CLASS-6TH History –Chapter-11 A. Choose the correct answer : 1. Samudragupta 2. Faxian 3. Ratnavali 4. Badami 5. Pulakeshin II B. Fill in the blanks 1 praise 2 chandragupta first 3 harisena 4 bhuktis, uparika 5 pulkeshin 6 aihole prashasti 7 xuanzang C. True & false 1. FALSE -The Gupta dynasty was […]
November 3, 2021 in ClassV, ClassVI, Hindi
किसी जाति, द्रव्य, गुण, भाव, व्यक्ति, स्थान और क्रिया आदि के नाम को संज्ञा कहते हैं। जैसे – पशु (जाति), सुन्दरता (गुण), व्यथा (भाव), मोहन (व्यक्ति), दिल्ली (स्थान), मारना (क्रिया)। जिस संज्ञा शब्द से पदार्थों की अवस्था, गुण-दोष, भाव या दशा, धर्म आदि का बोध हो उसे भाववाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं। संज्ञा परिभाषा क्या है दो उदाहरण दीजिए? संज्ञा की परिभाषा: किसी भी […]
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